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❝ How to open Microsoft Access 2010 #assignment ❞
posted on Monday, 27 January 2014 @ 1/27/2014 08:42:00 pm | permalink
Assalamualaikum. So, today I've learnt something new, the title is BASIC USAGE OF DBMS SOFTWARE and yeah of course it is about database management system. So, lect give us a task to make some step on how to open Microsoft Access. This course quite tough, but em I will try my best. My second assignment we need to do some report ((not so report, is like a slide la lebih kurang)) So here is my slide. Hope u guys faham. Good luck! Sorry for being late. This is just for my lecturer. Macam biasalah, anything yang ktorg study, kena buat entry pasal study tadi. So, ni my assignment. Hopefully you guys don't mind. Thank you.
Yang atas ni, step by step. Faham kan betul betul ok? Yang bawah ni rupa ms access.