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❥ Okay terima kasih .__.❥ Aku tak suka dia tak suka dia !❥ SAYA TERTIPU❥ Today❥ Exam exam tomorrow :3❥ The awesome Penang!❥ Cikgu suka buat saya jadi Haa haaa ape ape ? .__.❥ Terima kasih!❥ Menggedik lah awak :p❥ Emotional.
❥ August 2011❥ September 2011❥ October 2011❥ November 2011❥ December 2011❥ January 2012❥ February 2012❥ March 2012❥ April 2012❥ May 2012❥ June 2012❥ July 2012❥ August 2012❥ September 2012❥ November 2012❥ December 2012❥ January 2013❥ February 2013❥ March 2013❥ October 2013❥ December 2013❥ January 2014❥ February 2014❥ March 2014❥ April 2014❥ July 2014❥ August 2014❥ October 2014❥ March 2015❥ April 2015❥ June 2015❥ July 2015❥ September 2015 ask me. credits.
❝ Subhanallah :') ❞
posted on Saturday, 10 March 2012 @ 3/10/2012 06:59:00 pm | permalink
Assalamualaikum my HUT PRENS! Today, i'm going to story about ISLAM and MEKKAH. You know what? Yeah, Mecca is the center of the earth. I'm back to malay. 27 fakta atau perkara yang umat islam perlu tahu tentang mekkah. I can only list 5 fact. If I diligent, i will list all of its.Five fact that you should know!
For more information, do visit this website . Wahai umat islam jangan lah kamu meninmggal kan solat, selagi kamu masih hidup. Dan jangan lah menunggu orang yang akan sembahyang kan diri mu. Assalamualaikum :) |